Styles and Types of Vents in Commercial Roofing Dallas

roof ventilation

Proper ventilation extends the lifespan of roofs while saving you money from unnecessary repairs and energy bills. Ventilation in commercial roofing Dallas eliminates moisture, the resulting damage of which is the number one cause of roof replacement. It also cools your house in hot climates that results in net savings on your monthly electric bills.

Proper air circulation is accomplished through the use of roof ventilation. The primary purpose of roof vent is removing moisture and hot air in the attic and areas under the roof by allowing them to escape outside.

Different types and styles of roof vents are available, each of which accomplishes its purpose differently. Some require electric power to function, others use solar energy and wind power, while some work without requiring any power source.

Box Vents. These are made of either metal or hard plastic and referred to as static vents because they have no moving parts. They are installed over cuts made on the roof, preferably on the highest possible area near the ridge to maximize ventilation of hot air and moisture, which rise up and escape through the box vents. Homeowners can select from among different colors to match their roofs.

Off Ridge Vents. These are just variation of the box vents and function similarly. Instead of a box design, this vent style are rectangular in shape.

Ridge Vents. This type of roof vent has no moving parts and does not require electricity to operate. Ridge vents should be installed along the entire length under the roof’s horizontal ridge. An unfinished and relatively unsightly look is created when ridge vents do not run the entire ridge length. Combined with soffit vents, ridge vents are considered the most efficient ventilation system because they create an even distribution of temperature.

Power Vents. These have motors built into them that turn large fans inside the device. Some models come with adjustable thermostats – which turns on the fan when a certain temperature is reached – and humidstat – which detects the level of humidity for automatic trigger. The power vents, being equipped with motors, require electricity to work. Some models, however, are powered by solar energy therefore eliminating the need for electricity.

Wind Turbines. Unlike the static box vent, wind turbine has moving parts when operating but has no motors and uses wind power to move the turbine around. The spinning action of the turbine draws heat and moisture up towards it and out of the roof. Because of the spinning movement, wind turbine is more effective than a box vent in removing hot air and moisture.

Cupola Vents. These are decorative vents found on top of a high ridge and allow hot air and moisture to escape through their openings. Although they function as roof vents, their capability is limited.

Five Common Ways to Void Your Warranty in Roof Repair Dallas

roof repair dallas

Warranties in roof repair Dallas vary from one manufacturer to another. Some cover both labor and materials while others are limited to materials only. Certain warranties are transferable while others cover just the current homeowner.

Another important distinction between warranties are the ways that you can void them. Different manufacturers have different criteria on what acts could void warranties. Knowing what are covered by the warranties and ways by which these warranties are voided is an important knowledge for every homeowner.

The most common reasons why warranties are voided are listed below:

1. Improper Ventilation

Improper attic ventilation could nullify your roofing warranty. Ventilation system pulls air from the outside through intake vents found on lower parts of the roof. The air spreads inside towards the higher parts of the roof. Inadequate ventilation causes heat to be trapped below the roof and leads to premature wear of the shingles.

2. Antennas and Satellite Dishes

These devices that you installed on your roof could void your roof warranty. While the entire warranty may not be nullified by the installation of antennas and satellite dishes, that portion of the warranty dealing with leaks could be voided after you drilled holes on the roof to install these equipment.

3. Skylights and Solar Panels

Before starting any major improvement on your roof such as the installation of solar panels and skylights, read the warranty contract carefully to prevent voiding the warranty. Your contractor might drill holes on the roof to install the solar panels and in the process void your roof warranty. Always coordinate with your roofer before allowing any work to be made on the roof. Your roofer could take steps to preserve the warranty such as removing tiles or shingles and restoring them after the contractors finished their work. Any work to be made on the roof that involves roof penetration should be done with proper coordination of your original roofer.

4. Pressure Washing

People use pressure washing mostly to clean off moss that grow on their roofs. Left alone, moss will eventually shorten the lifespan of the roof because of increased frost damage caused by trapped moisture between the moss and roof’s surface. Using pressure washing to remove moss is not recommended because it could damage the roof from the strong force. Shingles cannot withstand the force of pressure washing applied in close range. Roofing granules built into the shingles could separate or deteriorate.

5. Installing New Roof on Top of the Old One

This process could either shorten or totally void the warranty. A second layer of roof leads to a slower rate of heat dissipation and eventually shorten the lifespan of shingles.

How a Dallas Roofing Company Could Maximize Online Exposure

top roofing miami

Marketing is at the heart of every successful business operation in major cities like Dallas. Reaching your target market or audience and closing out sales are the ultimate focus of every organization, including those in the roofing business.

If you are a professional roofer in Dallas looking to widen your market in order to reach homeowners needing roof repair or installation service, a good place to start is through social media. If you are a homeowner looking for a reputable roofer for your repair needs, the same suggestion applies. Social networking is presently one of the best methods to search for things or services.

Facebook Reigns Over Social Media

One of the social media giants today is Facebook. It boasts a 1.49 billion monthly active users as of October 2015. The mobile active users of the platform number 1.31 billion. As of May 2013, 16 million local businesses pages were created. These figures are impressive and cannot simply be ignored. That is why every Dallas roofing company actively use Facebook to boost its operations.

Facebook is friendly to firms who want to use its extensive exposure for their businesses and gives advice on how to create pages to make them visible to people searching the site for specific needs. Advice includes inviting friends and business contacts to its page to establish credibility and help spread the word.

Brand Recognition for Future Clients

A roofing company that adopted smartphones years ago counts Facebook as one of the most useful applications on its mobile devices in terms of lead generation and brand awareness. While the company has enjoyed success targeting specific geographical areas to get new business, the real benefit from using Facebook is establishing brand recognition with prospective clients who may become customers in the future. The company uses Facebook to interact positively with people who may remember the company when they have roofing needs someday.

Posting Relevant Messages

Posting messages on Facebook is not enough for brand awareness. The posts should contain details about company projects and their challenges and achievements so that readers become aware of the company’s professionalism and care for customers.

Some industry insiders say Facebook is more of a social interaction with potential customers and brand awareness rather than a lead generator for roofing businesses. Few leads may come from Facebook, but that should not be the main concern of firms. The essence of social media is about communication with the community, promoting company culture and sharing knowledge about the brands.

Roof Repair Dallas Scams that You Should Avoid

DIY metal roof

Dallas has a humid subtropical climate. Humidity or moisture in the air is a common cause of rust. If you have a metal roof, it will ultimately experience rust or corrosion. Other roofing materials also experience wear and tear through time. When the time comes for you to restore your roof, be wary of unscrupulous contractors who are only after your money.

We compiled the following guides to help you avoid roof repair Dallas scams:

1. Door Knockers

Be alert for contractors knocking at your door soliciting roof repair work. Reputable companies do not knock from door to door because they are busy and have existing projects to finish. They get their business not from knocking on doors but from referrals of happy and satisfied customers.

2. High-Pressure Tactics

Do not sign contracts immediately with the first contractor to call up on you after your roof sustained damage. Unscrupulous contractors use high-pressure tactics to force customers to sign up for repair work without giving them time to think things through. Remember that you do not have to decide right away.

3. Insurance Assistance

Call your insurance for assistance. Ask the adjuster what the process will be and what you have to do. Take pictures of the roof, including the undamaged parts, before allowing any person to examine it. Request the repair estimates after the adjuster has examined the roof.

4. Deliberate Damage

Do not allow disreputable contractors to go up your roof before it was examined by known and reputable individuals such as insurance adjusters. Some of these contractors deliberately inflict damage to the roof while supposedly examining it. The result is an inflated assessment of damage that would allow the contractors to earn more from the project.

5. Background Check

Find out everything about the background of the roofing contractors you are considering before signing up. The information should include company profile and previous projects going back 12 to 24 months. Research will uncover things that could help you decide whether to push through with the contractor or look for another one.

6. Work References

Get referrals from your neighbors about contractors whose services they engaged in the past. Ask them how the work was done, the terms of the repairs and whether they were satisfied with the finished work.

7. Legitimacy Check

Verify the registration of the contractor with the city government of Dallas. It should be listed and able to apply for a building permit.

8. Verify Subcontractors

For subcontractors, verify from the parent companies to which they are affiliated. Call the company and ask about the status of the subcontractor offering its services to you. You will know if the subcontractor is accredited and in good standing with the parent company.