Roofing Trivia: Fun and Little-Known Facts About Roofs

roofing trivia

We have some roofing trivia for you. Hera are some fun and oftentimes unknown facts about our beloved roof:

  1. Clay Roof. Some clay roofs are said to have lasted for more than 1,000 years. That is a lot of years.
  2. Green Metal Roofs. Metal roofs can also be eco-friendly. Their durability significantly reduces the need for replacement, therefore saving on materials. Metals are also recyclable, which makes them perfect for recycling enthusiasts, and are energy efficient as well.
  3. Concrete Shakes. You can buy concrete roof tiles that look like wood shakes. They do not pose a fire hazard because they have no wood contents.
  4. Heating Water. You can use metal roofs to heat your water for taking a bath in a tub or the swimming pool.
  5. Metal Roof and Lightning. Some people believe metal roofs are more susceptible to lightning strike. That is not correct. The fact is lightning is equally drawn to other materials and not only metals, although the latter is an excellent conductor. Lightning actually tends to hit the highest point in an area.
  6. Roof as Food Source. Roofs can do more than protect your home from the weather. You can convert your roof into a green roof and sprinkle it with different plants and vegetables. They cool your house and at the same time supply you with cheap and fresh source of vegetables.
  7. Babylon Gardens. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon—one of the Seven Wonders of the World—is the first recorded rooftop garden.
  8. Wood Shakes Insurance. Insurance companies normally charge more premiums in covering houses with wood shake roof because of potential fire hazard.
  9. Clay Tiles. People began using clay tiles for their roofs in 2800 BC – around the same time the Pyramids of Egypt began construction. Back then people were using packed sod and straw to keep rain out.
  10. Roof Warranty. A 30-year warranty given for an asphalt shingle does not necessarily mean that the roof will last for that long.
  11. Thatch Roofs. Thatch roofs were developed around 735 BC. King John of England decreed in the 12th century that thatch roofs are to be replaced by clay tiles to avoid fire. Unfortunately, it did not prevent the Great London Fire in 1666 because the houses were made of wood and pitch.
  12. Asphalt Shingles. Asphalt roofing material was developed sometime in the 1800s. We still use it today in our asphalt shingle roofs.
  13. New Roof Over Old. There are times when you can install new roof materials over your old roof without removing the existing roof material. But if you want to use tiles as a new roof over the old shingles, you need to reinforce your roof to support the heavier roofing material.